This Site

The purpose of this site is more personal than interactive. I realized a while ago that I really like the arts (music, drawing, photography, writing, etc.) or just creating things in general. Right now, I’m trying to learn how to draw better. I find it’s a really useful skill to have, as I can draw things for cards, people’s birthdays, and etc. Therefore, as of right now, I’m painting digitally and learning traditionally.

Now you may wonder, why not keep them on your computer? Well, folders are cool, but it’s difficult for me to look at thee progress I’ve made, because my folders separate things into different categories and I can’t sort all of them by chronological order. I also can’t add comments on each picture, denoting what I learned or wanted to learn during the process of making it.

What about deviantart or some other site? Again, this is a progress site. This means I will be posting a lot of WIPs, sketches, and mundane things that I don’t feel belongs on art-sharing sites.

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