Testing New Brushes!

I recently stumbled upon this artists’ free set of PS brushes. I’ve seen his work around Deviantart quite a lot and really love his humorous Disney depictions. I also love his shading and colouring style, so I was thrilled to have access to some of the brushes  he actually uses!

So, naturally, I messed around with them and ended creating this:

Onodera best girlBesides experimenting with the brushes, I also experimented with a few other things: Continue reading “Testing New Brushes!”

Classroom Sketches

For about two weeks, one of classes consisted of student presentations. Although I probably should have listened to them (I did the first week, but they went in one ear and out the other), I did not. Instead, I opted to sketch a few objects I saw in the classroom, as seen below.

Top left sketched Nov. 12, 2015  |  All others sketched Nov. 19, 2015

Continue reading “Classroom Sketches”

Greyscale: shadow and light practice
Greyscale: shadow and light practice

Using greyscale really helped. I usually go with colour for everything and end up being very confused about how to make it look nice. Should I move it to a warmer colour? A cooler colour? Should I make it more grey or more vibrant? These are question I didn’t have to ask using shades of grey (not 50).

How This Works

All the “Menu” type links on the top are static pages used only for information. These will not contain blog posts.

The main way I organize posts are through “Categories”, which are unfortunately at the bottom of the page. These will be kept to a maximum of 6 to avoid confusion and overflow of options. These may include words such as “Sketches, WIP, Events” and etc.

I have searched in vain for a nice theme that shows pictures and contains a sidebar, but have not found one yet. It’s frustrating, but what can one do?

Thanks for visiting.


This is a sketch of Webber (a character from the game Don’t Starve). I used an official reference of Webber for this sketch. Proportions and placements are off in a few places, but overall, I was satisfied with the result.

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